The World's Best-Selling Albums
1. The Best-Selling Album of All Time
This album is estimated to have sold over 66 million copies worldwide.
2. The Second Place
The second in the ranking is a compilation, it's "Their Greatest Hits (1971–1975)", by ...
3. High Voltage
The third rank is hard and heavy, it's ...
4. Pink Floyd
Number four goes to Pink Floyd, with the album ...
5. The Bodyguard (1992)
The most famous singer on the soundtrack album "The Bodyguard" is ...
6. Meat Loaf
What's the name of Meat Loaf's best selling album?
7. The Eagles and Their Hotel
The Eagles again: What's the band's second most famous album called?
8. A Famous Soundtrack
John Travolta played the leading role in this movie (without mustache). It was ...
9. Fleetwood Mac
The most successful album by Fleetwood Mac was called ...
10. Shania Twain
The most successful album by Shania Twain was called ...
11. Stairway to Heaven
The most successful album (including the song "Stairway to Heaven") by Led Zeppelin was ...
12. Adele
What's the name of Adele's album that has sold best so far?
Author: R. Esposito
References: Images of the Emojs from Emojipedia
Source: Wikipedia