Beverages 16+
1. What's this?
2. Coffee
What kind of coffee is this?
3. Teacup Without Handle
What is served in this cup?
4. A Water Tap
What does this symbol stand for?
5. A Cup With Straw
A cup used to serve soft drinks in fast food restaurants. What could it contain?
6. Beer Glass
What do the Germans drink their beer from?
7. Oktoberfest
How many visitors does the Munich Oktoberfest have on average?
8. Red Wine
Red Wine is made from ...
9. Clinking Glasses
What word do the British and Americans say when they toast something?
10. Tropical Drink
This emoji is called "tropical drink". But where are the tropics?
11. A Cocktail Glass
What is the favourite cocktail of James Bond?
12. Lactose-Free Milk
How lactose-free milk is produced?
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Author: J. Hodel
References: Images of the Emojs from Emojipedia