Science and Research
1. Mortarboard
The British and Americans wear such a hat to celebrate their academic exams. It's called ...
2. What's this?
3. What's this?
4. What's this?
5. Double Helix
What does DNA stand for (in Biology)?
6. Performing Experiments I
It is used to hold small amounts of material for laboratory testing or experiments. It's a ...
7. Performing Experiments II
It's a shallow, circular, transparent dish with a flat lid, used for the culture of microorganisms. It's ...
8. What's this?
This distilling apparatus is called ...
9. What's this?
An ancient text written on rolled papyrus or parchment paper is ...
10. A Calculating Tool
A simple device for calculating, that is still in use in many countries. It's a ...
11. Hazard Symbol I
What danger does the symbol warn against? It's ...
12. Hazard Symbol II
What danger does the symbol warn against? It's ...

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Author: R. Esposito
References: Images of the Emojs from Emojipedia