Public Transport I
1. What's this?
2. What's this?
Slightly different from the previous image, this is a ...
3. What's this?
One part of a tram is called a ...
4. What's this?
5. What's this?
6. Metro
Other words for "Metro" are ...
7. What's this?
8. A Special Railway
What is the name of this means of transport?
9. Can often be seen in Switzerland I
What is the name of this means of transport?
10. Can often be seen in Switzerland II
Hmm, the Englisch word of this thing sounds kind of funny to us Swiss, it's ...
11. What's this?
12. Steam Locomotive
When was the first public railway put into use?

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Author: R. Esposito
References: Images of the Emojs from Emojipedia