The Weather 1. What is this? Bun Sun Son 2. What is this? Cloud Crowd Clown 3. This is a Cloud with ... Reign Rain Terrain 4. What is this? Umbrella Mozzarella Salmonella 5. What is this? Elbow Longbow Rainbow 6. This is a Cloud with ... Snow Slow Show 7. What is this? Cornflake Snowflake Snowbrake 8. What is this? Milkman Snowman Superman 9. This Symbol Indicates a ... Thunderstorm Brainstorm Sandstorm 10. What is this? Thermometer Barometer Hygrometer 11. This Symbol Indicates ... foggy weather smoky weather sunny weather 12. What is this? Shadow Torpedo Tornado 0 Clicks 0 0 Score: 0 ◄ Emoji Quiz Selector