The Japanese Way of Life I
1. The Flag of Japan
What does the red circle in the flag of Japan symbolize?
2. A Traditional Japanese Garment
What's the name of this Japanese dress?
3. The Currency of Japan (¥)
What is the currency of Japan called?
4. Dogeza (土下座)
This Emoji is used to express a message like ...
5. Shoshinsha Mark
This shield symbol is often attached to cars in Japan. What does it mean?
6. Name Badge
A name badge is used to identify oneself in a location that others may not know your name, such as a school trip, or a work conference.
This name badge is one of many designs commonly found at kindergartens in Japan. It has the shape of ... -
7. White Flower
This is used by teachers in Japan as a stamp on school work ...
8. Onsen (温泉)
This symbol is often found on Japanese maps. It means ...
9. Veins Popping
This red symbol is often found in Anime/Manga. It's used to represent a strong feeling of ...
10. Kadomatsu (門松)
A kadomatsu is a traditional Japanese New Year decoration. After January 15 (or sometimes the 19th) the kadomatsu is ...
11. Hinamatsuri (雛祭り)
The "Doll's Day" or "Girls' Day" is a special day in Japan. It's celebrated on 3 March of each year.
On this day such dolls are set up. They represent ... -
12. Completely Unknown in the Western World
Hmmh, what could that be???

Author: R. Esposito
References: Images of the Emojs from Emojipedia