Animals in the Wild
1. Superhero
A famous hero has the word "bat" in his name, what's his name?
2. Boar
A boar is a male domestic pig, but it also means a wild pig of any gender. What's a wild boar usually like?
3. A Collector
What are the names of the famous singing animals?
4. Turtle
What is so special about turtles?
5. Deer
Whats the name of the famous disney deer?
6. Hedgehog
What is special about the hedgehog?
7. Lizard
Which animal class do the lizards belong to?
8. The White Mouse
This Emoji picture shows a white mouse, which doesn't exist as a separate breed. It is rather ...
9. Snail
Can snails leave their house?
10. Raccon
Why do raccoons count as thieves?
11. Badger
The picture shows a badger, but many Europeans will not recognize it. Why is that?
12. Snake
Are all snakes venomous (poisonous)?

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Author: Students of Fachschule Viventa Zürich
References: Images of the Emojs from Emojipedia